Yadavindra Public School in Mohali secured victory in the boys’ U-12 category at the Eighth Sardar Bhagwant Singh Memorial Inter-School Basketball Tournament, which concluded at Sector 78 Sports Stadium in Mohali on Tuesday. In the U-12 boys’ final, Yadavindra Public School triumphed with a 23-17 win over Vivek High School, Mohali, claiming the top spot. Zoravar led the winning team with an impressive score of 18 points.
On the girls’ side, Learning Paths School, Mohali, dominated the U-12 final with a convincing 28-9 victory over Yadavindra Public School, Mohali, securing the title. Sanvi of Learning Paths made a significant contribution by netting 23 points, leading her team to success.
Saupin’s School, Chandigarh, celebrated success in the boys’ U-14 category by defeating Vivek High School, Mohali, with a scoreline of 33-22 to claim the title. Appar emerged as the highest scorer for the victorious team. In the girls’ U-14 final, Vivek High School, Chandigarh, emerged as the champions with a 28-19 win over Vivek High School, Mohali, where Ayesha contributed 14 points to the winning team’s score.